Thursday, February 7, 2008

The First Post

This post is just to acclimate everyone to how wrong they have all been up to this point. The one true savior whom everyone should give praise to is none other than Noah. He and his children were the only people on earth god decided to save when he sent in his killer flood. How amazing would someone have to be to get that kind of recognition?

If you feel as I do that Noah is the one true disciple then please join An-Arkism and worship with me.

Humbly yours


Anonymous said...

Oh wise and humble one, you have shown me the way. All praise be to Noah, for he shall redeem us all. Knib High football rules!!!

stu23 said...


soul_biscuit said...

"This post is just to acclimate everyone to how wrong they have all been up to this point."

Wrong?! Oh, what a wasted life I've led! Show me how to throw myself before Noah's mercy! (Will I get wet?)